This approach to code compliance enables builders to switch R values of one area with increased R values in another area as is sometimes more practical and affordable. In other cases this strategy enables using less R value in less crucial areas and more in more crucial areas. With performance testing during construction building tightness can be substituted for R value.
Builders also save time and money with this service because they are not fighting with the Rescheck when they should be building. Average size houses are $225.00. Bigger houses can be quoted up front. So send in your prints in PDF format and we will start your model for you. You can see a sample under the "our work" section of this web site.
If you have questions please call 412.423.9034. Thank You.
Comfy House has been a leader in design services for nationwide and regional customers since 2008. Using basic building information (floor plans provided the customer), Comfy House will produce calculations, diagrams, drawings and models, and deliver them electronically to the customer.
HVAC Load calculations, also referred to as heat loss and heat gain calculations, can be done as a "block", or they can be done "room by room". Block calculations are most frequently performed on existing houses that need to replace the heating or cooling systems. "Room by room" calculations are performed most frequently in houses that need new(or improved) ductwork or water heat piping. It is the only way to be sure that, with proper design, equipment matching, and installation, your heating and cooling investment will provide efficient comfort.
If you need calculations, email us a PDF set of your plans to: comfyhouse@ verizon. net, with your contact information.
Pricing: Room by room calculations. $199 up tp 2500 Sq. Ft. plus $50 per additional 500 sq. ft.
Pricing block load calculations: $149.00 up to 2500 sq.ft. , add $25 per 500 sq. ft.
Without deigned comfort no house can be beautiful enough.
Comfy House is proud to offer three types of duct design drawings on buildings where Manual J load calculations have been completed:
Type 1 - Hand Drawn on floor plan backgrounds that the client provides. You send the floor plan for your building, and we sketch the ductwork layout. Pricing starts at $250 for small houses with one HVAC system. Go to "Duct Design Diagrams" above to see a hand drawn diagram sample.
Type 2 - Flow Diagram: With flow diagrams, Comfy House locates the furnace in a location specified by the owner, and draw a CAD ductwork diagram in the elevation view. Pricing starts at $199. You can see a flow diagram by clicking "Duct Design Diagrams" above.
Type 3 - CAD Drawn: Computer Aided Drafted (CAD) duct designs based on floor plan (CAD or PDF) backgrounds that you provide. Prices vary based on size of the building, but generally, CAD drawn duct designs cost $400 per floor. For an exact quote, please contact us.
Note: Building Code requires newly installed ductwork to be air sealed in order to assure that the duct systems distribute air properly and effectively.
If you have questions please call 412.423.9034.